
Warunki zwycięstwa - Quiz: Nanty Narking

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Zacznij zabawę w naszym quizie. Żeby zobaczyć odpowiedzi, trzeba zahaczyć zgodę z postanowieniami Regulaminu na końcu quizu.

Who designed Nanty Narking?

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In which city does Nanty Narking take place?

Select option

Who wasn't an artist for Nanty Narking?

Select option

What language has Nanty Narking not yet been published in?

Select option

In what period does the game action take place?

Select option

Who definitely doesn't appear in the game?

Select option

Which mechanics are not in Nanty Narking?

Select option

Whose antagonist is Fagin?

Select option

Where does the phrase Nanty Narking come from?

Select option

What was Forty Elephants?

Select option

Warunki zwycięstwa - Quiz: Nanty Narking

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Quiz: Nanty Narking

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Who designed Nanty Narking?
In which city does Nanty Narking take place?
Who wasn't an artist for Nanty Narking?
What language has Nanty Narking not yet been published in?
In what period does the game action take place?
Who definitely doesn't appear in the game?
Which mechanics are not in Nanty Narking?
Whose antagonist is Fagin?
Where does the phrase Nanty Narking come from?
What was Forty Elephants?