Space has never been closer – break through the asteroid belt and reach Jupiter!
Martin Wallace, Mariusz Rosik

Go even faster, higher, and stronger than ever, and embark on a daring quest to reach the moons of Jupiter first. Use R&D to develop the most sophisticated rocket and hire advisors to gain an edge over your competition. Success is in your hands!

Opis gry

Target: Jupiter is an expansion for Rocketmen, quickening the game’s pace and expanding its horizons. It offers three new features: a new Destination with five Locations (Jupiter and its Galilean moons), a new action (Research & Development) granting bonuses to help you complete even the most challenging missions, and two new types of cards (Benefits and Advisors) offering alternative options and more variety to Rocketmen.

Target: Jupiter also introduces a new solo mode, new rules around removing cards from the display, and a new board and components to support all these features and changes.

Informacje o grze:



  • 1 Game Board
  • 5 Solitaire cards
  • 6 Advisor cards
  • 1 Jupiter token
  • 20 Success tokens
  • 21 Benefit cards
  • 20 Mission tokens
  • 4 Insight tokens
  • 4 Success Jupiter tokens
  • 4 AI R&D tokens
  • 8 $10 Achievment tokens
  • 16 Achievement tokens

+ Base game replacements: 165 cards


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